
lunedì 3 gennaio 2011

LATELESS (english Version)

Author: Mourning

Line Up
Tatiana - Vocals
Vecheslav - Guitars
Yaroslav - Bass
Nick - Drums

Hi guys, welcome on Aristocrazia Webzine. May we have a short presentation of your band?

HI.I represent all participants of group
Line up: Tatiana - voice, Vyacheclav -guitar, Evgeny - guitar, Yaroslav - bass, Nicolay - drums.
This Lateless.

Which is the main cause that pushed you in giving birth to this project?

Lateless not the project. It is high-grade group which for 2 years of existence has given many concerts. The reason is simple. We want to play such music.
It is pleasant to us also we it we do.

Why did you choose to play metal music? What has made you think: this is what I want to play?

Hmm... We not when didn't reflect what music we play.
But that threw it, silly to deny. Though someone said to me that we play pop... Therefore opinions different.
To me all the same who that thinks of it. Actually any global reason wasn't, that us to force to play.
All of us not beginners play different groups from the end 90. Therefore experience big.

How would you describe your sound and what are the strengths points of Lateless?

We give to a sound very much great attention. Always we try, that on record and at a concert everything as it is possible is better sounded.We love quality. On our first album for a sound we answered sound producer. On a single "Discover" for a sound I answered.
The good sound is one of successes of quality of a material I consider.

What are your favorite bands, the ones that have influenced you in terms of composition?

I always liked guitar groups. In which structure there are two guitarists, from it a sound to become dense and various. Guitarists can play the lines and music it will be more interesting also versatile.
I will not tell that any group has affected our structure, but naturally we like some groups.
I will answer only for myself. Katatonia, Long Distance Calling, Endless Journey, Opeth, Enter the Hunt, Porcupine Tree, Serene Ocean, God Is An Astronaut, Placebo (last album).
And pair month back I for myself have opened a new bang from Germany End of Green, they are excellent.

As you write songs?

As a rule practically all songs are written by one principle. Any chord or a melody in the beginning is born. Then, from this still a reef.
Then already purely at intuitive level, you think that it will be a couplet or a refrain.
Sometimes someone comes on rehearsal already with a ready theme.
And happens simply to a sketch and all of us the ready track is already done, we add arrangement.
Then we substitute the text, we display it on a part. We do a vocal line and we rehearse.

Can you tell us something about the lyrics of your songs?

For lyrics, as a rule at us answer singers. They I think out texts being arranged under emotions of already ready track. Or if foreknow about what there will be a text that already bring it at once the ready.
Texts at us very different. In them various situations passed on a private experience open.
It both lyrical compositions and rigid. And so-called "open minded" forcing to get into itself and to think about something global.

A new single, Discover, carried out by adding a video of the song.
Will be insert it in the next release or is it just good luck after the change behind the microphone?

"Discover" will be a high-grade single and into the following our work won't enter.
It is necessary to tell that we still had still songs not entered into our first album therefore in the nearest future we will write down new EP from four tracks. Also remove to it mini DVD.
In parallel we now do a new material. We prepare new songs.
For 1,5 years we have given 18 concerts and played only songs from the first album.
They for us already have become outdated therefore we do a new material. It will differ not how many, that we did earlier.
But fans of our songs which have got used to beautiful melodies, too don't remain offended,
for them as there will be not how many gifts.

How was the promotion of the debut "Lateless" also came out this year?

We have received weight of positive responses from all globe.
The press has given an appreciation. Our friends musicians too have appreciated it, it very many was pleasant.
As to labels, the parties them very weak interest. Showed desire Casket Music from England, but after negotiations with them we have rejected their offer on the edition.
They wanted that registration of a disk, a cover we about paid.
Therefore it now is on sale only online through ours email (

Can you tell us the best things that happened you on-stage? Do you have a live performance you would like to repeat?

Yes it is unconditional, such concerts were, the brightest which were remembered. I would like to play again some concerts with Amorpis. We have got acquainted and it is pleasant on communicated.
At all for a long time there was a concert with Throes Of Dawn, we it is pleasant on communicated Jani and Harri I transfer you greetings.
I hope again to see you in Russia. The concert in Cherepovets (Russia) from presentation of an album we was remembered went there together with our friends t.h.e. Sacrament.

What kind of relation do you have with your supporters? What do you think of virtual communities and social networks?

If it is a question of fans not which we know personally, but only in the city certainly in St.-Petersburg.
Sometimes after a concert approach some persons ask us about music, are photographed with us, to us it is pleasant. Only that I don't love it when too annoying people climb very long with various questions, it me is tired also with me am tired of them.
Social networks, we are in some from a bottom vkontakte (Russia), myspace, twitter, vimeo, youtube, facebook (my personal account).
Not which of them give advantage, not which isn't present, I easy concern them. For me it is a free kind of advertizing Lateless.
And so really to give a material for acquaintance with group to those people which we are pleasant.

Future projects? Any news that you can a little preview?

As I already also spoke above. We plan to record down in studio right after new year and to record down new EP, then we will start to shooting mini DVD which will be a bonus to EP. On December, 24th we will play a giga at ourselves in St.-Petersburg. And as we will continue work on a new material.

Thanks for the time you spent with us, the last message for our readers is up to you.

I want on to thank Aristocrazia Webzine for the shown interest to Lateless. Listen to good music. STAY ROCK!!!