
lunedì 3 ottobre 2011

MORDBRAND (english version)

Author: Mourning
Translation: Dope Fiend

Line Up
Per Boder - Vocals
Bjorn Larsson - Bass, Guitars, Vocals
Johan Rudberg - Drums

Twenty years were to pass to listen again the voice of Per Boder? We had to wait Mordbrand to give another jolt to a Swedish scene increasingly prosperous? Let's ask them directly, they are our guests.

Welcome to Aristocrazia Webzine, I would say to leave aside the niceties and start talking Mordbrand. How did the band born? How was it, Per, almost twenty years away from "The Winterlong", back to go to make hear your growl, among other things in better shape than ever?

Per: The band was born in 2005 due to Rudberg and Bjorn’s love for the older version of Death metal. They had been playing Death metal earlier and this was to be a side project to their main band The Law. They recorded four songs that were released last year as a split with the UK band Evoke. I was approached by Bjorn at a local gig, he asked if I was interested in trying out for upcoming tracks, and I said I would think about it. Since it isn't a full blown project set for world touring, I found it appealing. I also liked the songs on the split, some are rather close to what we did in God Macabre. I tried out, the vocals were still there and the result became the Necropsychotic EP/mini album.

The split with Evoke was a good taste of your potential, but with "Necropsychotic" you have proven to be among one of the best bands that today test themselves in the typical "made in Sweden" style. What are the issues related to propose a style that seems to be inflating and unfortunately reduced to a
trend in recent years?

Per: We have no real issues being lumped together with other great bands that tries to revive the old Swedish/Death sound. In reviews I've seen comparisons that I simply do not understand, but if you're from Sweden and play Death metal you are bound to get compared with bands such as Unleashed. I think we have some other elements in the mix that makes it interesting in a way that’s not totally retro, but we do feed from the old days. Hopefully our music will stand the test and therefore any "trends" shouldn't be of importance. If it’s good, it’s good, no matter what todays flavour is.

Slowdowns, thrash moments, and much rottenness is channeled into songs of your EP, how do you compose this kind of music? To avoid deja-vu is practically impossible, then how do you bring out your personality?

Per: We're not re-inventing anything here, so it's bound to along the lines of what’s been done before. One can only try to make the best songs possible, and let the arrangements and ideas take it's course. Björn is the main songwriter, and I know that he hates to repeat himself and to be bound to any rules of what "can-and-can't-be-done". Maybe that will be what makes us stand out? Still, I am the first person to correct Björn if he steps out of line too much, so I really don't know what makes a band unique or groundbreaking. I've never been bothered with that ever, actually. So, to sum it up: I'd rather be in a band that’s produces quality Death metal then in band producing weird Death metal for the sake of being original. A flute and a blastbeat together won't make my world spin.

Death metal in recent years seems to be divided also as regards the lyrical themes: the modern currents, especially "core" (or "clump core"), are developing a kind of forced conscious themes, sometimes even too ridiculous, almost verging on "sun, heart, love." It's really so obvious "explicitly" talking about death, madness and insanity in their various facets, as it was in the old days and how you do it yourself in your lyrics? It is perhaps misunderstood the meaning of the term "death metal"?

Per: I'm really not familiar with what you're describing and I do not dictate any rules surrounding what other bands lyrical topics should be about. I guess bands try to make their own mark in a scene that’s overflooding. Most has been done already, so maybe lyrics could be away of marking your spot? My opinion on this is (much like the one on music) that I'd rather use lyrics that doesn't necessarily create a new landscape in the annals of extreme music history for the sake of just that. I want the topics to relate to the music and work together with the vibe of the songs. Fun and love doesn't do it for me, others might think differently.

Bjorn and Johan: you have a strong thrash-oriented background, you are both members of Karensdag and The Law, what is your thought on the thrash metal scene in Sweden?

Björn: There are definitely some good bands and thrash metal is very popular in Sweden. But there are no real classic bands, since most bands try to emulate the past rather than coming up with fresh ideas. One exception to that rule is definitely F.K.Ü., whom we have done many gigs with (with The Law). Absolutely a stellar act that I recommend to everyone in to thrash or 80's metal in general. Sure, the have a funny gimmick, but the riffs don't lie! Their core purpose is to emulate, but somehow they manage to make it into their own thing.

And what do you think of your national scene in general? As she are evolved, or convoluted, in your opinion? What are the differences from the time when turning an album like "The Winterlong", rather than today which you can feed with "Necropsychotic"?

Per: The Swedish scene has always produced interesting and good acts since the inception of Death metal. This hasn't changed during the years. The main difference between now and then is the new ways of communication that is to our disposal. Recording and sending files are now done in seconds, back then even negotiating with a label would mean at least one month of correspondence. We have handled the recording ourselves, with God Macabre we had to travel across Sweden to Stockholm to get a decent sound. Being abel to record on your own when you feel like it puts a lot of pressure aside. It's far more easy to achieve something today then it was twenty years ago, and on the other hand there are more bands out there that can blow you off stage anytime.

You are under contract with Deathgasm, which among other things also has in its roster your countrymen Nominon, how do you came in contact with the label? What was the type of support that was offered?

Per: We were to release the record on a different label initially, but this fell through. We sent out some promos and Deathgasm were quick to respond. They offered us a fair deal and even bought the cover art for us. They are promoting the band well, and we really couldn't have found a more suitable company to release the EP. They have been nothing but great. This was a one-time-deal though, we are not under any further obligations to them, but we'd gladly work with Deathgasm in the future.

When on talk about death metal and Swedish, the names that usually come out are always the same: Entombed, Dismember, Grave, Unleashed, Edge of Sanity, Hypocrisy. The same God Macabre which Per he was a member or Epitaph of "Seeming Salvation", both bands of value, is already enclosed within a niche of "cult" to search for. During the years when the genre was taking shape, do you remember a bands that they recorded material that would have deserved more and should be reconsidered because unjustly forgotten?

Per: Nope, I think most bands have gained all the attention they deserved, at least that I know of. The whole thing with re-releasing old stuff (that God Macabre is a part of in some ways) is getting absurd, some things should stay buried. But, to each his own I guess.

What are the key points that a lover of death metal should never forget?

Per: The bands that started it all, proto Death metal like Master, Repulsion and Devastation. Personally I was never very found of the overtly technical style, I prefer Autopsy over shredding any day. That is Death metal for me, the rough and rugged kinda spirit.

In recent years we have been bombarded by new hopefully band and older that defend the scene, have you heard the latest Morbid Angel? Have you get an idea of what happened to the band of Trey?

Per: I’ve heard the album and it has its moments, but I was never a die hard follower of the band in the first place. The change in style is confusing and would have been better suited for another project. If I were a fan I would most likely question the recording more than I do now.

Have you had the opportunity to bring "on stage" your repertoire? There are live performances scheduled during this period?

Per: We haven’t done any gigs and there are no plans for it. We will concentrate on recordings instead.

What Morbrand want to give at the public that listens to them? And what they want to receive from those who are below the stage?

Per: Since we don’t play live at this moment, I don’t have an answer for this.

Has already begun the work on the songwriting of the full-length? We will have news soon?

Per: We are writing material for an upcoming record that I won’t say anything more about right now, but it isn’t a full length. A full length isn’t planned, but somewhere down the line it will probably happen. We will have some new stuff to share with the world within a couple of months if it turns out alright.

Next project in the pipeline?

Per: The mentioned recording we are working on, it will most likely contain three-four new songs. After that only the devil knows.

Thanking you for the time spent with us, I leave you the word to conclude the interview as you prefer.

Per: Thanks for the interview, our six-track EP can be purchased from, support the underground!