
lunedì 12 marzo 2012

PESTILENTIAL SHADOWS (english version)

Author: M1
Translation: Advent, ticino1

Line Up
Wraith - Baso, Ambience
Balam - Guitars, Vocals

"Depths" is one of the most surprising album of 2011, so I'll deepen into Pestilential Shadows and black metal.

Hi guys, welcome on Aristocrazia Webzine. May we have a short presentation of your band?

Balam: Pestilential Shadows has been in existence since 2003 having several line ups and four albums. We portray death, despair, vice, suffering, mysticism, melancholy. Even though we have satanic and occult themes that run through the music, a lot of the concept is based around mental loss and the destruction of the human spirit through negativity.

Which is the main cause that pushed you in giving birth to this project?

It formed from years of playing guitar, like any band. Listening to mostly classical, world music and black metal.

"Depths" is one of my favourite albums of 2011, I think that its merits are the intensity of the emotions given to the listener and a certain attention towards the characteristics that no one gives in the black metal scene. What sort of emotions did you want to transmit through your music?

We aim to pull the listener into the depths of the loneliest parts of their own mind. When we write the music, its effect needs to transport the listener to a part of their psyche that is deprived of happiness, positivity and light using atmospheres and frequencies that are morose and uncomfortable.

How do you set yourselves towards the songwriting and the lyrics? Does anyone of you give more of the others? Or are you all the same?

The way I write the albums has mostly always been the same, following set rules I’ve laid out for myself but when the recording time comes there is a lot of improvisation used.

Can you tell us something about the lyrics of your songs?

The lyrics were written by the different members of the band, each member adding their own philosophies and ideals to a piece of music that reflected their idea. Some of the themes revolve around personal experiences and knowledge gained through our own thoughts of existence, spirituality and death (departure of the spirit).

Which bands do you believe were basics in your history and that had brought you to become Pestilential Shadow?

Classical, Celtic and world music had a big part to play but as far as black metal bands go I grew up listening to the early 90’s bands. I guess bands that have made most influence were bands like Abigor, Lord Belial, Summoning, Kvist, Dawn, Burzum, plus many others.

I didn’t know you untill Nathan Birk sent me your promo, what can you tell us about your earlier releases? After listening some of your earlier songs on youtube I guessed that you lost your rough sound in favor of more agonizing melodies, do you agree with me? Which differences can we find in "Embrace After Death", "Cursed", "In Memoriam, Ill Omen" despite "Depths"?

"Depths" was the first album that we decided to take into the studio apart from just doing it all ourselves. The raw recording obscured a lot of the guitar work in the previous releases. I still write similar structures and formulas in our new material as the old material.

What are you doing to promote the album?

We have a label (Séance Records) that works most of our promotion. We are better at writing the songs than promotion.

What plans do you have for the future? Are you already working on new stuff or do you prefer to have some live dates around somewhere?

We are about to release a limited 7 inch split record with fellow Australian black metal band Corvus and we are working on our 5th album titled "Ephemeral" which we are hoping to release mid/late this year. As far as live shows, we are just concentrating on the album now so maybe after it is released we will plan some more live dates.

What do you think about the today extreme metal scene?

I tend not to follow it too much, I just listen to the music and respect the few bands still with conviction to create evil, otherworldly and atmospheric music.

What can you tell us about metal in Australia? Can you suggest us some bands coming from your country?

The metal scene is filled with joke bands that just play for fun, friends, beer and women which is most likely similar to the rest of the world! The black metal scene that is actually worth mentioning is quite small. Bands worth mentioning here are Nazxul (which we share some of the same members), Erebus Enthroned, Corvus, War Daemonic, Order Of Orias, Moon, Spire, Ill Omen, Drowning the Light.

What kind of relation do you have with your supporters?

We don’t know many, some in Australia and very few overseas. I myself don’t have a very large internet presence due to being way too busy so I didn’t really know that anyone really enjoyed our music.

What do you think of virtual communities and social networks?

As with the last question I’m not really too sure about what is happening outside my real life. I tend to find the internet full of critics that won’t even buy an album but will comment on it usually badly. I have no time for forums and chat rooms.

What can you tell us about your life outside Pestilential Shadows?

I myself am a full-time tattoo artist so I don’t really get much time to do anything else apart from write music from time to time.

Thanks for the time you spent with us, the last message for our readers is up to you.

Channel your negative energies and push it onto others! Common people do not deserve life, only misery and despair on their pointless existence!