
lunedì 25 marzo 2013

IUGULATUS (english version)

Author: Mourning
Translation: Insanity

Morbid M. - Bass
Markiz - Guitars
Balrog - Vocals
Matys - Guitars
Michał - Drums

The polish band Iugulatus (should I still call them with this name?) are among us, it seems that there is a revolution in progress in this band so let's find out what's happening.

Welcome on Aristocrazia Webzine, how are you?

Markiz: All good, thanks, it is very cold here in Poland now, we the band, changed the name of Iugulatus onto Architect Of Disease, and we work hard upon new stuff. 

First of all I'd like tu understand what's going on, do Iugulatus still exist or did you change your monicker? Is it a real news? If so, which are the reasons that lead you to this decision?

Yes, we changed name, so we are Architect Of Disease now. Balrog, our previous vocalist left Iugulatus, and we slightly changed our style with new vocalist, these are two main reasons of name changing. On top of that our drummer Wojtass left the band as well, but he recorded drums on the new material, what is to hit the surface with Architect Of Disease monicker, but still that band is on the foundations of Iugulatus, with three people from original line-up on the board, we are looking for a label at the moment to release our new material, already recorded and mastered.

Since I had the chance to listen to your music in the split with deep desolation and primal and in your first and second albums, let's talk about how the band was born, please tell us your story.

When my previous band, War, was put on hold, I, with Balrog formed Iugulatus in late 2007, we started as a three piece with Grimskullcrusher on drums, we started with ideas what ended up on our debut album "Call Of The Horned God", then Morbid M, bass player joined the band, and in the middle of 2008 Wojtass took drumming duties, with these people we recorded our debut album "Call Of The Horned God" our final line up was completed with second guitarist, Matys, with these people we recorded our follow up album "Satanic Pride" released in 2012 and split record with Deep Desolation and Primal beforehand. Myself, Matys and Morbid M we still go on in Architect Of Disease now.

I noticed that the songs in "Chapel Of Fear" were also in the first version of "Satanic Pride" but not in the one that I reviewed, what happened to those songs? Also the number of tracks changed from six to five, why?

It is messy again in here, during "Satanic Pride" session we recorded plenty of material, but few tracks didn't fit into whole concept, so we decided to release them on three-band split "Chapel Of Fear" released in 2011, looking back I think they are ones of our best we managed to create! Songs finally released on "Satanic Pride" album they are more the same, they create death/black monolith so to speak.

Why did you have to postpone the release of "Satanic Pride"? Wasn't it ready in 2011?

Split record was released in 2011, so we decided to release follow up album in year 2012, when we sorted out issues with our current label. 

Your music has no frills, it's a pure black/death assault that blasts straight towards its target, will your style remain the same in the future or maybe you'll make some changes in your songwriting?

Our music is changed after the vocalist change, it is black metal still, but less death metal, instead it is more gloomy and unpredictable. Debut album for Architect Of Disease (which is already recorded) calls out old Iugulatus past, but it is more dark and dense atmosphere. New songs written with our new drummer bring much more weird and energetic music but all the time rooted in black metal genre.

The Polish metal scene is one of the most active, what do you think about it? Besides the famous names, which are the bands that you like and the ones who deserved more that what they got?

There are few interesting local bands like Primal, Slain, Persecutor, Deathlust, Death Denied, Deep Desolation, Doomster Reich, Chordata, all of them except Primal represent Lodz area, every of these bands represents different face of metal art, they worthy to check them out! Thanks for your interest.

The interview is finished, I recommend once again our readers to check out Iugulatus/Architect Of Disease's music.