
lunedì 11 luglio 2011

METHADOL (english version)

Author: Mourning
Translation: Dope Fiend

Line Up
Manu Dal-Grande - Vocals
Ghislaine Duchemin - Vocals
François Perrin - Guitars
Julien Marocco - Guitars
Fred Carceller - Bass
Nico Sordello - Drums

With us today Methadol, French heavy metal band which released in 2011 the album "Anger In Me"

Welcome to Aristocrazia Webzine, the first step to penetrate into your world is to introduce the band and talk a bit of his story, so I leave you the word.

Manu Dal-Grande: Hello, we started the band at the end of year 2005, and the first EP was released in May 2007. The musicians were Mallory Julia at drums, Fred Carceller at the bass guitar, Stef Piovesan at the guitar, Ghislaine Duchemin at the backing vocals, and me at the vocals and also the guitar. After some gigs, I decided to dedicate to the vocals. Clément Longuet joined the band as a guitarist in May 2008, followed by John Lacomme,replacing Mallory. The first album was recorded and a first mix was done. In Spring 2009, Clément left the band and was replaced by the guitarist Zack Nadal. In Autumn 2009 John left the band and Stef decided to play only gigs. In Spring 2010, the drummer Nico Sordello and the guitarist François Perrin joined the band. We signed with Sliptrick Records (US) and the first album "Anger In Me" was released in October 2010. Zack has been replaced by the guitarist Julien Marocco in november 2010. We are now working on new songs.

What is the main reason that has given life to your project? The experience has led you to metal? What really made you think: "this is my way"?

When I decided to start the project, some songs were already composed and I finalized them with my friends. I've been listening to metal music for many years. It was evident for me. I need to express my feelings within the songs.

"Anger In Me" is a simple album, instinctive and genuine, as it was composed? Who has the task of putting his hand on the tracks and who to take care of the lyrics?

I composed the music and wrote the lyrics. My friends are doing the arrangements. For years I used to compose alone. This was the case for "Anger in Me". But now the motivation of the musicians is better and next songs will be written more cooperatively.

The sound, the setting and the type of atmosphere is decidedly retro, what are the core band for your background of musicians? There are leaders band or the metal has been leveled so that now, removed the old glories, there are no replacements in this regard?

Our influences are Iron Maiden, WASP, Mötley Crüe, Manowar, Iced Earth, Guns n' Roses, Metallica and a lot of others gods of Metal. I think that this is a question of fashion. This style of metal, “old school”, is not really original because it has already been done, and people prefer to listen to old bands, to “metal gods”. What is really fashionable is metal with female voices (lyric or melodic), or extreme metal. These styles have emerged in the 90's and therefore old school heavy metal seems to be too "nice". No matter these considerations, we just do what we like.

France has an extreme landscape that has grown over the years, from 1990 has been a continuous churning good band. Today how is the situation? There is also a large group of heavy metal band or, as often happens, the roots of the genre are followed by a small group of admirers?

France is not a rocking country! But for some years, thanks to the motivation of some passionate people, some events are emerging. Of course, some people like old school, and they are going to our gigs, but it is always difficult to find gigs.

What are the moral characteristics that must have a band to move forward in an increasingly competitive metal world? You make goals or prefer to play while enjoying the good things that come from?

If we would have the chance to be successful, why not. But the most important thing is to do what we like, to create the art that corresponds to ourselves. Of course we have to think of the strategy, but it is not important. If we play for one fan or two, it is enough. We first play for pleasure.

What are the worst defects that you found in metal and in today metalheads? And the merits?

That's very difficult to answer. Concerning the music, this is really subjective. Some music can touch you and the others won't. But this is the case for all the music styles. Metal-heads are humans and they react as humans. Nobody is perfect.

Have you had the opportunity to bring on stage the tracks of "Anger In Me"? How did it go?

Yes, we played these songs for some years as I composed most of these tracks in the same time as the EP 2007. These tracks are appreciated, especially "No More Words", "Don't Let Me Down", "Redemption" (we did a video clip on that song) and "Prophecy".

What is the best memory you have so far linked to a live or a shared experience on stage you would definitely living again?

Every show is a good memory, just because we are really happy to play together and to share our passion with the audience.

How you live the relationship with whom you support? And what do you think of virtual communities or social networks?

The relationship is simple with everybody. We are just humans (with passions), talking with other humans (with the same or others passions). Social network is only a way to communicate. It helps for announcing shows, releases, and actualities. This is new way to communicate. I remember the time when I ordered audio cassettes to little bands by the post in the 90's, this is easier now.

Methadol: future projects?

We are working on new tracks to prepare our new release. We are also looking for gigs.

We will have the opportunity to see you live here in Italy?

It would be really cool to go on stage in Italy. I've never been in Italy, but I will. My grand parents were born there and I feel close to this country. I hope we will have the opportunity to go to see you!

Thanks for your availability, I leave you the word for a last message to our readers.

Thanks a lot for interviewing us and for the interest you have for us. To the readers, keep the faith in the music you like whatever the style or the opinion of the others. Heavy Metal Rules!